You know how a duck glides smoothly across a lake but underwater her feet are paddling furiously? That’s how I was feeling recently.
Many of you know I have a health tech startup (Residen.com) in addition to my Cosmetic Dermatology medical practice.  Very exciting and fulfilling but also exhausting. 
After falling asleep mid-email at 2am, I realized I needed to slow down.  

And once I did, I became more productive in my work and in the gym. 
Taking it slow is counterintuitive for us type A’s.  But it’s the only way to make real progress and stay healthy. 
Here’s how I’m slowing down (including in my workouts):
⭐️ In this video, I’m doing slow negative (eccentric) pushups. I also do slow squats (for my skiing!). Moving slowly builds strength and requires focusing on good form to help avoid injury. I’m realizing that this is true in life.  🙏to my trainer @mrsuccessfu1.
⭐️ Prioritizing things I truly love to do:  Caring for patients. Growing my new business to help other physicians. 
⭐️ Spending more time with those who matter most: Like my 90 year old Dad, my niece & nephew, & close friends. And not with those who drain my energy.
To do the above, I’m learning to...
⭐️ Say NO to what I don’t really want to do - and not feel guilty. Someone told me a long time ago: “You can feel bad for someone else for a short time; or you can feel bad for yourself for a long time.”  I’m still working on the guilty part, but it’s the only way I can say YES to what’s really important.
How do YOU cope when there’s a lot on your plate? Share below in COMMENTS 👇🏼