Many doctors have (or want) a strong Tik Tok or Instagram presence. Just remember that your content lives on, so don't post anything you wouldn't want on the front page of the newspaper. 

Personally, I love making videos I think my patients will enjoy. But there are unspoken guidelines that, in my opinion, doctors should follow on social media.

* Review everything. I shoot 99% of my videos myself and write every single word of my posts. It's a lot of work, but I know it's factually correct. If you hire social media experts to post content, be sure to check their work (or the Chat GPT answer). 

* Get approval.  Before posting any images of patients on Instagram, Youtube, your website or anywhere else, be sure to get their permission.  Be specific. 

* Take the high road. If you're tempted to respond to negative comments, think twice. If they're spreading lies or otherwise being malicious, you can delete the comment and/or block the account and notify the platform.

And finally, no matter how you use social media, have fun with it. Good luck!